Photo Essay
What Climate Change?
1xpert/Adobe Stock

What Climate Change?

Forget about “following the science” of Deep State plotters. Earth offers plenty of evidence that the man-made climate crisis is a concocted hoax. ...
Rebecca Terrell
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

While international bureaucrats strive to strip us of reliable, affordable energy sources to combat a fabricated man-made climate catastrophe, they insist that we “Follow the science!” and demonize anyone who dares object.

Yet the truth is we don’t need scientists to tell us what is blatantly evident. We know the Earth has warmed over the past 175 years. And we know that the warming is well within the bounds of natural variation. All we need to do is look around.

The New American provides this photo essay of irrefutable evidence that there is no climate catastrophe in the making. And we ask a simple question: Whom are you going to believe, eco-radicals, or your own eyes?

This fantastic article is for subscribers only.
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