Wealth Redistribution Now, Global Taxes Soon
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Money grab: The so-called loss and damage fund is a global wealth redistribution scheme by the UN and kleptocratic members to loot what’s left of the middle class in the West, all disguised as “climate reparations.”

Wealth Redistribution Now, Global Taxes Soon

The developing planetary “climate” regime wants to go beyond administering “reparations” payments from Western nations; it wants to acquire its own revenue sources. ...
Alex Newman
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

DUBAI — Throughout the UN COP28 climate summit, Western governments, including the Biden administration, pledged to hand over more and more billions in new taxpayer funding for climate “reparations” and a “Green Climate Fund” aimed at bringing regimes ruling poorer countries to heel, among other schemes. But self-proclaimed world leaders made clear that this is just the start. Ultimately, global taxes and “trillions” in funding will be demanded under the guise of bringing about “climate justice,” the leaders declared.  

The latest wealth-redistribution schemes came even as voters and taxpayers in nations such as Argentina and the Netherlands (among others) were increasingly rejecting the parties, politicians, and policies behind them. Meanwhile, recent polls show most American adults reject the man-made climate-change hypothesis. That put U.S. officials in an awkward position at the climate summit in a major oil-producing nation on the Arabian peninsula. Asked by The New American about their promises to extract ever-greater sums of money from what remains of America’s middle class even in the face of public incredulity and the prospect of Donald Trump coming back to the White House, U.S. Senator Chris Coons (D-Del.) put it bluntly: “We’ll continue to move forward, regardless.”    

Right from the start, Western governments and Japan pledged enormous sums for what was portrayed as climate “reparations” to governments of poorer nations. Dubbed the “loss and damage” fund by the UN and its members, the concept was agreed to last year at COP27 in Egypt. The narrative behind it holds that since freer Western peoples developed first, they have put more CO2 into the atmosphere, and therefore must pay Third World governments who misrule poverty-stricken populations for the alleged harm caused by it. Every flood, tornado, hurricane, drought, or weather-related disaster is now assumed to be caused by American and European CO2 emissions. 

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