Washington State Mandates Perversion at School

Washington State Mandates Perversion at School

Washington State is the latest state to mandate a sex-ed curriculum that will cause emotional and physical harm to children, as it attempts to convince kids that anything goes. ...
Alex Newman
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

From the print edition of The New American:

When government schools start up again in Washington State, so-called Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) will be even more ubiquitous than before. Lessons in kindergarten will introduce children, typically around age five, to homosexuality, homosexual parenting, “anatomy” including drawings of genitalia, and much more. From there, each year the young children will move on to other “lessons” encouraging transgenderism, sodomy, fornication, and every form of perversion imaginable. And now, it is all mandated by state law.

Critics of the radical new sex-education mandate expressed outrage. Children were horrified. Some pro-family activists accused government officials of seeking to “groom” children for sexual acts and potentially even abuse by predators. A lawmaker blasted it as an “all-out assault” on the Judeo-Christian values at America’s foundation. The abusive and obscene material is so outrageous that some opponents are now calling on parents to remove their children from public school as quickly as possible.

“This is not education,” warned children’s rights activist Katy Faust, with Them Before Us, adding that abortion groups lobbying for the bill had an interest in sexualizing their prospective clients. “This is propaganda, ideology, and grooming.”

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