Walter Reddy: Patriot’s Legally Owned Guns Seized
Linda Lagana

Walter Reddy: Patriot’s Legally Owned Guns Seized

A judge took away conservative activist Walter Reddy’s guns, though Reddy has no criminal record and there is no evidence that he ever threatened anyone. ...
Thomas R. Eddlem
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Walter Reddy is the patriotic organizer of the Committees of Safety, arguably a founding father of the modern Tea Party movement, and his right to keep and bear arms has been taken from him. It doesn’t matter that he has committed no crimes, and has not been charged with a crime. A Connecticut judge told him at a hearing that Reddy had no right to an attorney and he was “ready to rule” to take Reddy’s guns away before the patriotic organizer had the chance to say one word in his defense.

Reddy had organized one of the first modern-day Tea Party rallies, a December 2008 rally at Boston’s Faneuil Hall that featured the then-little-known Rand Paul as a keynote speaker. Rand Paul, an eye surgeon and son of Rep. Ron Paul, has since gone on to become the most prominent U.S. Senator associated with the Tea Party movement.

The following facts are undisputed by both sides of the legal argument over Reddy’s possession of guns:

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