Vote Fraud: Here’s the Proof
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Vote Fraud: Here’s the Proof

Though anti-Trumpers claim that there is no evidence of vote fraud at levels significant enough to change the 2020 election, that is simply not true. ...
Steve Byas
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Most of Big Media, the Democrats, and even many Republicans — mostly RINOs (Republicans In Name Only) — have proclaimed former Vice President Joe Biden the undisputed winner of the 2020 presidential election, arguing that there exists no evidence of fraud — or at least so little as to make no difference in the outcome. And now, presidential electors have met in their respective states, and have cast their votes to name Biden as the next president. But millions of Americans reject this as a true reflection of what the American voter actually wanted, arguing that massive election fraud cost President Trump a deserved reelection. Much of the following evidence is dismissed by the Democrats and their media allies — if they even address any of it at all — as just a “conspiracy theory,” which is, of course, not an argument but rather a talking point. It seems that most of those who did not want Donald Trump to be reelected argue “there is nothing to see here,” while the majority of Trump voters believe there is a whole lot to “see here.” 

There is much about the election that makes little sense. The Republican Party gained seats in the House, and increased the number of state legislatures that they control, yet their presidential candidate supposedly lost. It is the first time in American history that an incumbent president gained votes (15 million more votes than Obama got in 2012!) and lost — if he did. President Barack Obama actually received three and a half million fewer votes in 2012 than in 2008, yet won reelection. Biden won only 524 counties across the country, as opposed to the 873 counties Obama won in 2008, yet supposedly Biden got more votes than Obama. Significantly, in Ohio, a state that recently instituted strong election fraud measures, Trump won by eight percentage points! In contrast, in other midwestern states such as Michigan and Wisconsin that lacked these anti-fraud safeguards, Trump lost.

Trump won a larger percentage of the African-American vote than any Republican candidate in 60 years, and a huge increase in the percentage of Hispanic votes. His rallies were filled to capacity, despite concerns over the Chinese COVID virus. Biden, on the other hand, barely campaigned, and his campaign events were sparsely attended.

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