Using Truth to Fight Globalist Lies About The John Birch Society

Using Truth to Fight Globalist Lies About The John Birch Society

The John Birch Society has been enduring rampant smears of late, being called anti-Semitic and a white nationalist group. But the truth is far different — and always has been. ...
Alex Newman
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

The John Birch Society has been enduring rampant smears of late, being called anti-Semitic and a white nationalist group. But the truth is far different — and always has been.

If you represent any sort of threat against the establishment and its glob­alist agenda, prepare to be ruthlessly demonized and lied about by that same globalist establishment. Exhibit A is, of course, President Donald Trump. After announcing that he was running on an anti-globalist platform to “drain the swamp,” the billionaire businessman was relentlessly smeared across every propaganda organ the establishment possesses. If the “fake news” media, as Trump correctly calls them, is to be believed, the president is a racist, white supremacist, anti-Semite, white nationalist, lunatic, conspiracy theorist, agent of Vladimir Putin, and another Hitler.

Of course, no actual evidence is ever provided, presumably because none exists. But by endlessly repeating the lies, the establishment is able to dupe gul­lible media consumers into believing it. Granted, that’s an increasingly shrinking minority — polls show just a tiny and fast-shrinking segment of the American public believes the media these days — but it is still enough to bring brainwashed and violent leftists into the streets in significant enough numbers to cause real damage. And it’s deeply demoralizing to many Trump supporters who know it is false.

Before Trump, the Tea Party suffered from a similar relentless attack by the media. As Trump has been, the Tea Partiers were endlessly demonized by the establishment’s propaganda machine. Because the Tea Party arose during Obama’s presidency in response to big government and an out-of-control White House, the media constantly hyped the false narrative that the Tea Party was merely a racist backlash against the first black president.  

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