Book Review
UNsilenced: Whistleblower Exposes UN Culture of Corruption

UNsilenced: Whistleblower Exposes UN Culture of Corruption

A former UN employee exposes the systemic corruption within the United Nations, including falsifying data, covering up scandals, and persecuting whistleblowers. ...
Alex Newman
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

UNsilenced: Unmasking the United Nations’ Culture of Cover-ups, Corruption and Impunity, by Rasna Warah, Bloomington, Indiana: AuthorHouse, 2016, 120 pages, paperback.

When she stumbled across massive corruption and made-up statistics in her job at the United Nations, Rasna Warah knew she needed to act. But when she tried to blow the whistle, she was viciously attacked, publicly humiliated, threatened, intimidated, and more. Unfortunately, as Warah explains in her new book UNsilenced: Unmasking the United Nations’ Culture of Cover-ups, Corruption and Impunity, her case is far from unique.

In fact, the corruption and lawlessness across the UN appear to be systemic. Some of the cases described in the book and the pages of The New American magazine make the scandals she exposed and the retaliation she suffered seem mild by comparison. Indeed, in her book, she actually spends very little time dwelling on her own case, but delves instead into some of the many other known and unknown scandals that have rocked the global organization.

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