Unnoteworthy News

Unnoteworthy News

Fake news, once dubbed “yellow journalism,” is as old as news itself, but nowadays, with the slant given by major media to most reporting, major media have themselves to blame. ...
James Murphy
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

From the print edition of The New American

Hillary Clinton blamed her election loss, at least in part, on it. President Trump has repeatedly accused mainstream news outlets, most notably CNN, of disseminating it. It pops up unbidden in our Facebook and Twitter feeds. It used to reside mainly in checkout aisles in supermarkets, purveyed by newspapers such as Weekly World News, Globe, and The National Enquirer. It consists of those sensational headlines that we look at and immediately think, “Can that be true?” The new term for it is “fake news,” and it’s a thorn in the side to anyone searching for truth.

Fake news is not a new thing. It’s probably as old as man himself. Ever since the serpent lied to Eve, humans have been trying to convince other humans that lies are truth. Throughout history, propagandists have used false stories to impugn, besmirch, and vilify perceived enemies. Johannes Gutenberg’s 1439 invention of the printing press made disseminating such news much easier.

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