UN, Socialist International, Obama Design U.S. Refugee Resettlement

UN, Socialist International, Obama Design U.S. Refugee Resettlement

Notorious security risk Anthony Lake (now chief of UNICEF) and former president of the Socialist International Antonio Guterres (now UN High Commissioner for Refugees) have key roles in guiding the “refugee” invasion of the EU and the United States. ...
William F. Jasper
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

The Obama administration’s recent announcement of the intention to bring thousands (and perhaps tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands) of unvetted Syrian refugees for resettlement throughout the United States was not a sudden, spur-of-the-moment decision. It was the result of a multi-year, internationalist push to implement the United Nations High Commission for Refugees’ “Transformative Agenda.” That official agenda aims at transforming Europe and America into chaotic, Balkanized regions afflicted with ethnic and religious strife, social turmoil — and terrorism — by surging masses of Muslim migrants into the European Union and the United States.

The UNHCR Transformative Agenda also aims at vastly boosting the funding for UN agencies and increasing UN authority over entire regions of the world beset with refugee crises — many of which are the result of wars and “peacekeeping” operations conducted jointly by the United States and the UN.

UN High Commissioner for Refugees Antonio Guterres and United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) executive director Anthony Lake are the UN point men working closely with the Obama State Department. The active leadership of both these individuals in the U.S. and EU refugee policies is cause for alarm. Even more alarming is the fact that they are not the only troubling participants; the ranks of the UN officials involved in formulating refugee “solutions” are filled with persons — including from Communist China — who have neither the interests of the refugees nor the security concerns of the West in mind. Guterres is the former Socialist Party prime minister of Portugal and former president of the European Council. Perhaps most notably, he was, from 1999-2005, president of the Socialist International, the radical Marxist organization that includes many “former” communist parties that have rebranded themselves as “socialist” or “social democrat” — without significantly changing their politics or personnel.

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