UN Globalism to Replace Americanism?

UN Globalism to Replace Americanism?

As the United States cedes more and more power to global entities, the UN’s vision for tomorrow is increasingly likely to be foisted on Americans — and it won’t be pretty.”” ...
Alex Newman
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

With the UN now acting as if America must submit to its whims and decrees, it is more important than ever to understand how significant the implications of allowing this to continue would be. The whole notion that the UN was scheming to become a global government-style institution with centralized coercive powers was once dismissed as a “conspiracy theory” for “kooks.” Today, it is obvious to anyone willing to pay attention to the news. As we reported in the companion article “UN to America: We’re the Boss,” the UN now regularly makes demands on America that fly in the face of traditional Americanism, across a broad range of crucial policy fields. And if left unchecked, this is only the start.

Ultimately, liberty, self-government, nation-states, and God-given rights will give way to total government if this is not stopped. And this is plain to see from the UN’s own documents, statements, and agreements. Liberty is literally on the line, with globalists and the Deep State seeking to replace it with a fraud that sounds similar, at least at the most superficial level, but could not be more different in reality.     

At the core of the UN’s ongoing attacks against America is the drive to replace self-government under God and the God-given rights enshrined in America’s founding documents with “global governance” and UN-granted revocable privileges described by the UN as “human rights.” And it is not exactly a secret. In fact, as The New American has documented extensively over a period of many years, the UN now brazenly and routinely claims that Americans’ inalienable rights are actually violations of “international human rights law,” and as such, must be drastically curtailed to comply with UN demands.

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