Agenda 2030
UN “Biodiversity” Beijing-Wall Street Convergence
AP Images
Red China’s green eco-fest: The UN’s Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Conference was run completely for the benefit of the joint program of Communist China and the Davos globalists to deindustrialize and de-energize the United States and the West.

UN “Biodiversity” Beijing-Wall Street Convergence

The communist oligarchs of China and the globalist oligarchs of Davos have converged on the biodiversity component of the UN’s Agenda 2030 to build their New World Order. ...
William F. Jasper
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

The recently concluded United Nations Biodiversity conference in Montreal (a two-week marathon that ran December 7-19) ended with the signing of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. The new UN agreement carries the Kunming-Montreal label because Communist China held the presidency of the conference and the event originally was to have taken place in the Chinese city of Kunming. However, the venue was changed to Montreal due to China’s renewed Covid outbreak. Huang Runqiu, China’s environment minister, served as the president of conference, which is known as COP15, referring to the 15th Conference of Parties. As expected, Huang reliably advanced the global designs of his masters, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

The framework agreement ostensibly was crafted to save one million species from mass extinction. Of course, that is simply the cover story, playing upon vastly exaggerated fears to justify the full implementation of the UN’s draconian Agenda 2030, which is aimed at subjecting the entire planet — and all of us who dwell upon it — to the same kind of totalitarian controls that the CCP now exercises over its population in the People’s Republic of China (PRC).

Eco-criminal China in Charge

What is especially disturbing about the Huang Runqiu/CCP helmsmanship of COP15 is that it caused virtually zero concern among the UN delegates, the Biden administration, the academic “experts,” media commentators, or the climate-cult corporatists of the World Economic Forum. After all, quite separately from the issue of China’s monstrous human rights abuses, if we simply consider the plight of “Mother Earth” (who is reverentially invoked eight times in the Kunming-Montreal document), we must acknowledge that communist-run China is the most rapacious and destructive polluter of our dear mother. On air pollution and greenhouse gases alone, China spews more emissions than the United States, the European Union, Canada, Australia, and Japan combined, thus jeopardizing the combined international effort to save the planet from the alleged “existential threat” of global warming. While “green” politicians in the United States and Europe are driving up energy prices, putting energy grids at risk, driving their economies to ruin, and causing their citizens to freeze in the dark by shutting down coal, oil, and natural gas production, these same “greens” are simultaneously giving China a big thumbs-up as it continues to go gangbusters on fossil fuel use. China is currently running more than 1,000 coal plants — more than half the world’s capacity — and is responsible for more than half of the new coal power-station capacity being built around the world. Not only is China infamous for the world’s worst air pollution, it is also the worst and biggest water polluter.

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