Ukraine: Unraveling the Planned Chaos

Ukraine: Unraveling the Planned Chaos

While the crisis in the Ukraine appears to be geopolitical maneuvering between Russia and the West, in truth, Russia is working in cahoots with international elites from the West. ...
William F. Jasper
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

“In a perverse way, the more aggressive the posturing by Russia, the more likely it is that the West will stump up the cash needed to prevent Ukraine’s economy from spiraling into a crisis,” observed Neil Shearing, chief emerging-markets economist for the London-based consultancy Capital Economics. “Essentially,” Shearing continued, “if the geopolitical tug of war becomes more polarized — and Putin becomes more bellicose — the more likely it is that the West will answer by coming to the rescue of Ukraine.”

Shearing’s comments, which appeared in a March 4 Bloomberg/Businessweek article entitled “How Russia Is Pushing Ukraine Into the West’s Arms,” are, of course, correct — as the unfolding drama is proving day by day. Putin’s bellicosity and military response are indeed having the effect desired by the interventionist/globalist elites: Russia’s response to Ukraine’s upheaval is pushing reluctant Ukrainians into the arms of EU/IMF/NATO, as well as providing U.S.-EU-IMF leaders with the political and moral cover they need to “rescue” Ukraine with billions of dollars extracted from U.S. and EU taxpayers.

Another of the desired effects is the disorienting confusion wrought by a political world turned upside-down, as habitués of the interventionist Left, such as George Soros, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, and denizens of the New York Times, the Washington Post, CNN, and PBS, suddenly sound like rabid anti-communist Cold Warriors, while many vocal opponents of U.S. involvement in Ukraine from the Libertarian and non-interventionist Right are now becoming unwitting apologists for Vladimir Putin.

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