The Last Word
U.K. “Brexit” Vote and “Project Fear”

U.K. “Brexit” Vote and “Project Fear”

The Brexit movement, which is being organized chiefly by the United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP), has been under concerted attack by the organized one-worlders for the past couple of years. But since Prime Minister David Cameron’s announcement in February that Brits would have the opportunity to vote on the matter in June, the globalizers have really come unglued. ...
William F. Jasper
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

British voters have the global establishment in a tizzy. Not only are the leaders of the U.K.’s Conservative, Labour, and Liberal Democrat parties all in a lather at the possibility that voters, in the June 23 national referendum, may opt for Britain to exit the European Union (a move dubbed “Brexit”), but so too are leaders at other glob­alist institutions: the White House, United Nations, IMF, G20, G8, central bankers, EU Commission and Parliament, Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR), Brookings Institution, Royal Institute for International Affairs, Peterson Institute for International Economics, Wall Street moguls, tech company titans, the New York Times — and on and on.

The Brexit movement, which is being organized chiefly by the United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP), has been under concerted attack by the organized one-worlders for the past couple of years. But since Prime Minister David Cameron’s announcement in February that Brits would have the opportunity to vote on the matter in June, the globalizers have really come unglued.

Why this is so is hardly a mystery. A British exit, if not a death-blow, would certainly count as a near-knockout punch to the already struggling EU. Not only would a Brexit stand as the biggest reversal in the history of “the Project” — as the globalist architects cryptically refer to their decades-long scheme of centralization and concentration of power on the continent — but they know full well it would inspire others to exit as well, or at least to demand greater autonomy from the EU’s authoritarian cabal in Brussels. Already there is talk of a possible “Czexit” movement in the Czech Republic. It could also revive the “Grexit” in Greece. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban announced on February 24 that his country will defy the EU’s mandate on accepting refugee quotas and hold a national plebiscite on migration. The previous day, the foreign and interior ministers of Austria and nine Balkan members of the EU met in Vienna and issued a declaration challenging the EU’s authority to interfere in their vital internal affairs, as they relate to the current migration crisis.

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