The Last Word
Trump, Globalism, and Nationalism

Trump, Globalism, and Nationalism

Is President Donald Trump a nationalist or an internationalist? Is he the “America First” champion he campaigned as, or yet another White House globalist? ...
William F. Jasper
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Is President Donald Trump a nationalist or an internationalist? Is he the “America First” champion he campaigned as, or yet another White House globalist? Many of us had hoped that the incredible avalanche of attacks on him — by the globalists in both the Republican and Democratic parties, by the street radicals, by Wall Street, and by the establishment media — were a signal that he is the real deal, a flawed but genuine outsider who just might throw a few roadblocks onto the superhighway leading to the New World Order. However, there is the growing sickening feeling that Trump is generally steering us on the same globalist path, albeit with notable bumps, twists, and turns. Certainly we have acknowledged, in these pages and online, the many steps he has taken in the right direction on such critical issues as immigration, regulation, NAFTA, TPP, public lands, and the Paris accord. Give credit where credit is due.

The fact that President Trump is still being attacked by the organized one-worlders would seem to be a mark in his favor. One of the latest hit pieces on him comes in Foreign Affairs, the journal of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), and is entitled “Nationalism Makes for Bad Foreign Policy: What Trump Gets Wrong.” The author, Professor Ronald R. Krebs, avers that Trump’s nationalist vision “pictures a world that was once the United States’ sandbox, whose contents America could, and did, mold and remold at its pleasure. And it dreams that an America restored to its rightful greatness will inspire such respect again. Such nostalgia is not only wrong, it is also deeply dangerous.”

Aside from the fact that the Krebs/CFR attack piece presents a caricature of nationalism as blind chauvinism, it also provides cover for the fact that Trump has appointed a whole bevy of CFR globalists to his administration. And these Pratt House regulars are transforming Trump administration policies — both foreign and domestic — to bring them more into conformity with the one-world vision. As we have noted previously, the initial appointment of denizens from Goldman Sachs and the CFR to high posts in the new administration was a bad sign. As we write, the annual Bilderberg Meeting is beginning (June 1-4). This year’s venue for the secret meeting of world insiders is Chantilly, Virginia. As usual, the controlled “prestige press” is treating concerns about the gathering as “conspiracy theory.”

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