Trump Climate Panel Attacked

Trump Climate Panel Attacked

Trump wants a scientific review of global-warming claims. Though reviews are typically done before government spends money, climate alarmists are demanding he stop. Why? ...
Alex Newman
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

When documents emerged showing that the Trump administration was preparing to create a committee to review federal “climate science,” alarmists became apoplectic, claiming the panel would be entirely composed of “climate deniers,” despite only one person’s name being released. The climate lobby’s hysteria over President Donald Trump and “global warming,” already thought to be at dangerous levels, went up another notch to unprecedented new heights. A coalition of globalist national security professionals, mostly from the Obama administration, even claimed reviewing the science would be a threat to “national security.” Two Cabinet secretaries from the Obama administration, former Secretary of State John Kerry and former Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel, joined in.

And considering the panel’s implications, it is easy to see why — their whole “New World Order,” as they call it, is riding on the hypothesis that the gas exhaled by humans is “pollution.” But a powerful truth-seeking coalition is rallying around the administration’s effort to clear the air.

The collective freak-out over Trump’s proposed Presidential Committee on Climate Security (PCCS) highlights the fact that the hysteria surrounding the man-made global-warming hypothesis is unscientific, experts said. And according to skeptical scientists, it proves the need for the committee and suggests that the whole “climate science” edifice must be re-examined by competent, credible experts who have no vested interest in the outcome.

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