The Last Word
Total War and the Global Mafia

Total War and the Global Mafia

Total War and the Global Mafia ...
William F. Jasper
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Total War and the Global Mafia

The world is being prepped for COVID 2.0, the much-hyped “resurgence” or “second wave” of the coronavirus “pandemic.” According to the prop-aganda of the day, the threat from this new outbreak, which allegedly is already upon us, is so dire that we must allow ourselves to be subjected to new lockdowns, mask mandates, quarantines, isolation, censorship, de-platforming, contact tracing, and much more.  

Law Professor David Scheffer, a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), even suggests that the COVID-19 “crisis” may indicate it’s time to begin criminally prosecuting public officials as well as private individuals for “public health malpractice” and “crimes against humanity.” In his article “Is It a Crime to Mishandle a Public Health Response?” Scheffer proposes that the Rome Statute (which he helped write) of the UN’s International Criminal Court (which he and the CFR vigorously promoted) could provide a model for prosecuting those accused of “intentionally causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or to mental or physical health.” He puts forward the need for “new tort or criminal law covering acts or omissions by public officials, corporate and religious leaders, and school administrators that exacerbate an emerging epidemic or pandemic.”  

Naturally, President Trump is the primary target. “Donald Trump may have criminal exposure for some level of negligent homicide or voluntary/involuntary manslaughter for the way he’s mishandled the Coronavirus crisis,” says former federal prosecutor and MSNBC legal analyst Glenn Kirschner. Of course, there is no mention of prosecuting Democratic governors across the country who forced nursing homes to accept COVID-positive residents, causing the deaths of tens of thousands.

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