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Scaremongering Notwithstanding, the Sky Is Not Falling

China Joe Biden John Kerry climate

China Joe and John: President Biden picked John Kerry to be his special presidential envoy for climate. Biden has had lucrative business dealings with China, while Kerry is overlooking China’s terrible human-rights abuses and record as a world-class polluter. (Photo credit: AP Images)

Item: A page-one article in the New York Times (April 23 print edition) reported that President Biden had just “moved to put four years of official climate denial behind the United States, declaring that America would cut its global warming emissions at least in half by the end of the decade.” Biden, said the left-wing paper, “cast the challenge of avoiding catastrophic warming as an economic opportunity for America, a striking contrast to his predecessor who had abandoned the [Paris] agreement.”

Item: Time (April 26-May 3) featured a cover story declaring (in all caps) “CLIMATE IS EVERYTHING.” Now, said the article, “spurred by alarming science, growing public fury and a deadly pandemic, government officials, corporate bosses and civil-society leaders are finally waking up to a simple idea whose time has come: climate is everything.”

Item: In an interview with Foreign Policy for April 26, President Biden’s climate czar, John Kerry, implied that climate negotiations with Communist China are more important than Beijing’s genocide against Uighurs in Xinjiang or the Chinese threat to U.S. national security. Said Kerry, “Right now, climate is enough of an imperative for all of our countries. China doesn’t benefit by not having America as a partner in dealing with climate. And the United States doesn’t benefit from not having China as a partner in climate.… We have differences on economic rules, on cyber. We have other differences on human rights, geostrategic interests, but those differences do not have to get in the way of something that is as critical as dealing with climate.”

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