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Media Portrays Knife-wielding Perpetrator as Victim

Item: On April 20 — the very day 16-year-old Ma’Khia Bryant was shot and killed by a white Columbus, Ohio, police officer — the New York Times published an online article under the headline “Teenage Girl Is Fatally Shot by Police in Columbus, Officials Say.” That article refers to Bryant as “the victim” and states, “The girl’s death cast an immediate pall over public expressions that justice had been served in Mr. Floyd’s case and touched off protests in Ohio’s capital city.”

Item: Two days later, the Times published another article and — tossing subtlety to the wind — ran it under the headline “Columbus Grapples With Police Shootings That Have Taken Black Lives.” The article, published April 22, gives a short litany of black people in Columbus who have been shot and killed by police and implies that there is a pattern of officers targeting black people, with Ma’Khia Bryant as the most recent example.

Item: Two days after that, on April 24, the Times was back with more fuel for the anti-police fire. Under the headline “‘More Than Just Tragic’: Ma’Khia Bryant and the Burden of Black Girlhood,” the Times asserted that “the timing of the shooting — on the same day that the former Minneapolis officer Derek Chauvin was found guilty of murdering George Floyd last May — underscored, for many, the incessant drumbeat of police brutality and systemic racism.” 

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