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Democrats Exploit Pandemic Relief Bill for Partisan Priorities, Progressive Pork

Pandemic Relief Bill COVID $1.9 trillion Democratic COVID bill

COVID relief bill or Democrat bailout fund? The $1.9 trillion Democratic COVID bill mainly bailed out hemorrhaging Democratic unions, cities, states, and organizations. Only a tiny fraction of the money actually went toward fighting COVID. (Photo credit: flickr/Senate Democrats)

Item: The left-wing Washington Post clearly believes that President Biden’s $1.9 trillion coronavirus bill is a poverty cure. An embarrassingly smitten March 6 headline sat atop the “news” account (and related Twitter post), declaring: “Biden stimulus showers money on Americans, sharply cutting poverty in defining move of presidency.” (After this drew public mockery, the paper’s editors toned down the headline just a tad, so that it later read: “Biden stimulus showers money on Americans, sharply cutting poverty and favoring individuals over businesses.”)

Naturally, the paper found an “expert” to justify its claims, saying: “The latest stimulus will reduce poverty by a third, lifting nearly 13 million Americans out of it, according to an analysis by Columbia University’s Center on Poverty and Social Policy. Black Americans, Hispanic Americans, and poor families with children are set to benefit the most. Child poverty would be reduced by more than half, the researchers predict.”

Item: The New York Times also slobbered over the money shower, starting its “news analysis” in the print edition for March 10: “American political leaders have learned a few things in the last 12 years, since the nation last tried to claw its way out of an economic hole. Among them: People like having money. Congress has the power to give it to them. In an economic crisis, budget deficits don’t have to be scary. And it is better for both the economy and the democratic legitimacy of a rescue effort when elected leaders choose to help people by spending money, versus when pointy-headed technocrats help by obscure interventions in financial markets.” 

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