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Congressman Slams Democratic Colleagues for Impeaching Outgoing President Trump

“Every movement has a lunatic fringe. Suppressing free speech is not the answer; holding rioters accountable for their actions is the answer.... I cannot think of a more petty, vindictive and gratuitous act than to impeach an already defeated president a week before he is to leave office.”
California GOP Congressman Tom McClintock claims that Trump merely delivered a typically partisan speech to followers on January 6 that did not contain incitement to riot and was not an impeachable offense.
China’s Communist Leaders Have an Effective Way to Stifle Dissent
“Chinese cities enforce a residential system…. By shutting the gates, you can lock in tens of thousands of people. Now, wherever they run into problems from the people, they are sure to apply this method. That would be impossible in Western countries.”
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