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Diktats to “Build Back Better” Will Be Costly, Intrusive

Saving the Earth? The Biden administration intends to join the Paris global-warming agreement, even though treaties need Senate approval and it will do no good at reducing CO2 emissions because China is building coal-fired power plants by the dozen, with the world’s permission. (Photo credit: AP Images)
Item: Bloomberg Businessweek for December 18 touted Joe Biden’s selection of John Kerry to be his “climate czar.” The secretary of state under Barack Obama “helped craft the 2016 Paris climate accord,” noted the publication. “The incoming administration is looking,” said the magazine, “at new regulations that could have a big impact on climate emissions, such as standards for pollution from car sand power plants. ‘Biden recognizes that we made a down payment in the Obama administration, but also recognizes we need to go much further — as fast as we possibly can,’ says Heather Zichal, a former environmental aide to Obama who previously worked as Kerry’s legislative director.”
Item: The same magazine (Bloomberg Businessweek, November 16) declared that Biden “must repair the harm done to the U.S. government under Trump and begin to build a modern, expert-led civil service.” Headings within the piece (written by Romesh Ratnesar, a member of the editorial board of Bloomberg Opinion) set the tone, including: “Empower the Scientists,” “Bring Back the Career Staff,” “Let the Watchdogs Do Their Work,” and “Rejoin the World.”
The piece claims that under Trump career employees were “marginalized” in agencies such as the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Geological Survey, and National Park Service, among others. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) “‘were once the envy of the world,’ says Ali Nouri, president of the Federation of American Scientists. The ‘gold-standard’ agencies ‘have now become politicized under Donald Trump.’”
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