The Last Word
The Last Word
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The Last Word

Larry Greenley
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society
The War on Local Police Is the Deep State’s Communist Revolution! The number of Black Lives Matter (BLM) anti-police protest rallies held around the world after George Floyd’s death has been unprecedented. By mid-June there had already been BLM demonstrations in at least 1,700 places within the United States, and in over 4,000 cities and towns worldwide.  As to how many American cities experienced BLM riots, a recent study out of Prince-ton University reported that “48 of the 50 largest cities in the United States have experienced riots associated with the Black Lives Movement since late May,” and ditto for 74 of the largest 100 cities. How did the BLM protests occur so far and wide? Part of the answer is “pressure from above” by the Deep State’s Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). Very soon after the first BLM protests over George Floyd’s death, thousands of CFR members and tens of thousands of their allies were busy promoting and legitimizing the BLM protests. This top down support for BLM was so influential due to where the CFR members and their allies are employed, such as key positions in government, politics, news media, entertainment media, academia, foundations, think-tanks, etc. For an example of the CFR’s promotion of the BLM movement, see “Global Lessons in Police Reform” in the September/October 2020 issue of the CFR’s house organ, Foreign Affairs: “Public outcry over the murders of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and George Floyd earlier this year has ignited mass demonstrations against structural racism and police violence in the United States…. The explosive scale of the uprising this spring and summer makes it clear that the United States has reached a national reckoning. Most Americans now understand that their country needs a radical transformation.” (Emphasis added.) And where does BLM get its money? CFR members, such as George Soros, along with like-minded allies in dozens of top companies have showered BLM with hundreds of millions of dollars in recent years. The all-too-often progression of peaceful BLM “protests” to dangerous BLM riots is much easier to understand when you look below the surface of the BLM branding and marketing. Easily found is the Marxist and communist history of BLM, as revealed in “Black Lives Matter: Behind the Facade” on page 35 of this issue: That BLM is a Marxist group working to tear down the family and destroy freedom under the obviously phony guise of protecting “Black Lives” is something of a truism at this point — it’s beyond dispute. In fact, BLM founders boast about it. “We are trained Marxists,” bragged BLM cofounder Patrisse Cullors….  Separately, another BLM co-founder … Alicia Garza, acknowledged that convicted communist and cop killer Assata Shakur was the primary inspiration for the group. And, speaking of BLM riots, there’s BLM’s overtly communist ally, Antifa, which seems to take part in all the bigger protests/riots. Here are a couple of quick facts on Antifa from “Antifa: What We Need to Know,” page 40: “Contrary to the ‘peaceful demonstrators’ narrative, Antifa has been engaged in criminal, violent, destructive, seditious, and terroristic actions for the past several years, as thousands of arrests and hundreds of videos document beyond question…. Antifa is closely linked to the Revolutionary Communist Party, the Workers World Party, and other revolutionary communist groups allied with Communist China.” Knowing the above facts about the BLM and Antifa movements, now consider that 57 years ago Robert Welch, founder of The John Birch Society (JBS), introduced a new campaign for the JBS, “Support Your Local Police.” He did this in response to riots that were (in his words) “getting to be a regular part of the American scene.” And he forecasted, “The police will be ‘crucified’ ... for practically everything they do in the line of duty.” This JBS campaign has endured to this day. The uncanny thing about all of this is that Welch’s July 1963 explanation (quoted immediately below) of why Americans needed to support their local police not only still sounds exactly right, it clarifies just what the ultimate goal of the present-day anti-police movement is: “The Communists know, as the American people do not, that the city and community police forces now constitute one of the most important remaining obstacles to the gradual, insidious, and at first invisible, establishment of the mechanics of their Communist police state.”  Please go to and join or form a Support Your Local Police — And Keep Them Independent! committee.

Photo credit: AP Images

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