Correction, Please!

Correction, Please!

The two-week climate talkathon in Bonn, Germany, was as much about political theater and propaganda as it was about substantive issues involved in divvying up the world’s wealth and advancing “global governance.” ...

Bonn Climate Poseurs: Their Real Goals Are Money and Power

Item: An Associated Press story carried in the Chicago Tribune on November 11 sported a headline declaring, “Defying Trump, U.S. cities and states pledge to support goals of Paris climate deal.” Like many other liberal-left media reports on the United Nations climate talks that took place November 6-17 in Bonn, Germany, the AP article focused on the “alternative” delegation of U.S. state governors, mayors, and business leaders who claimed to be the “real” representatives of the American people. “It is important for the world to know, the American government may have pulled out of the Paris agreement, but the American people are committed to its goals, and there is nothing Washington can do to stop us,” billionaire globalist and former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg told attendees at the global climate meeting in Bonn, Germany.

Item: “Climate talks close with Trump administration on one track, world on another,” was the headline that NBC News drafted to fit the commonly adopted establishment media theme that President Trump and his supporters are totally out of step not only with the “consensus” of science, but with the entire population of the rest of the planet. “The world climate conference ended Friday much the way it began two weeks ago — with the Trump administration bolstering legacy fuels like coal and gas, separating itself from much of the world,” the NBC story reported. “California is not waiting for Trump,” Governor Jerry Brown told the conferees, according to NBC. “We are not waiting for all the deniers, we are committing ourselves to do everything possible to get on the side of nature instead of fighting it, to deal with the climate change challenge in a real way.”

Item: Similarly, the Huffington Post came up with this headline on November 14: “An Alternate Delegation Tries to Convince the World the U.S. Cares About Climate Change.” “Governors, mayors and business leaders want to prove we’re not all deniers,” its subtitle declared. Michael Bloomberg told the Bonn activists, reported HuffPo’s Daniella Cheslow, that “he had gathered support for the Paris pact from public officials and leaders who represent some 130 million Americans, and he suggested their alternate delegation is just as relevant to the climate talks as the official U.S. negotiating team.” “If Washington won’t lead, mayors, governors and civil society will,” Bloomberg said.

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