Inside Track

IMF Boss Threatens to Ditch United States for Communist China, Again

International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director Christine Lagarde again threatened that the controversial globalist institution she runs could move its headquarters from Washington, D.C., to Beijing. It is the second time the IMF chief has made the threat publicly in recent years. And it comes as the globalist establishment openly grooms the mass-murdering Communist Chinese dictatorship for a leading role in what top globalists and communists often refer to as the “New World Order.”

Speaking July 24 at an event hosted by the Center for Global Development, a left-wing globalist think tank funded by taxpayers and fervent globalists such as Bill Gates, George Soros, and the Rockefellers, Lagarde noted that emerging economies were growing quickly. “Which might very well mean, that if we have this conversation in 10 years time ... we might not be sitting in Washington, D.C.,” said Lagarde, who was convicted of “negligence” late last year as part of an official corruption scandal. “We’ll do it in our Beijing head office.”   

In essence, Lagarde noted that, if current trends on Communist Chinese economic growth continue, the IMF will give Beijing and its allies more influence in the fund’s decision making. And because the IMF’s bylaws call for it to be headquartered in the largest member economy, that could eventually be China — at least if globalists succeed in further handicapping the U.S. economy while boosting China’s using schemes such as the United Nations “climate” regime known as the Paris Agreement. As this magazine has documented, the UN pseudo-treaty would transfer vast sums of wealth and productive capacity from America to China under the guise of “climate change.”  

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