Letters to the Editor

What the Future Holds

Many people do not realize that this election is the turning point for America: We could go off the deep end into socialism or create laws degrading our Republic and its principles. Imagine a free flow of illegal immigrants across our now-porous borders. If Hillary has her way, our borders will be an open sieve, with 20 million new “citizens,” 80 percent of whom will naturally vote for sustaining the Democratic Party. This will produce a one-party system.

We now have a deportation system that is a joke. Under the Obama deportation policies, to make the administration seem as if it is deporting lots of illegal immigrants, people who are refused at our borders are a statistic counted in the deportation columns, even though they have never entered the United States. As a reference to judge the lack of border enforcement, take the illegal who murdered Kate Steinle: He had been deported five times, and our congressmen still shelved the proposed Kate’s Law, a mandatory five-year prison sentence for people who are deported and return to the United States. What’s wrong here?

People take the Supreme Court as a matter of fact. Right now we have a “balanced court.” I don’t agree with all of Justice Roberts’ decisions, but our country is sustaining itself despite the judicial decisions that are currently being handed down. If Hillary gets elected, we will be witnessing judicial reviews from a “Progressive Court,” and our country will be down the tubes with liberal interpretations of our Constitution for all least the next 20 years. Can America still remain a Republic while being overburdened by the forthcoming liberal agenda of a progressive Supreme Court.

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