Correction, Please!
Looking Elsewhere in the Face of Insolvency
Item: The Washington Post began its front-page feature story on April 8, 2016, as follows: “The contest between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders grew increasingly nasty Thursday with a series of testy exchanges that have prompted widespread concern among Democrats that their rivalry is doing lasting damage to the party and the eventual nominee.”
Item: The New York Times’ lede on page one of its April 8 edition declared: “A Democratic primary campaign in which both candidates prided themselves on civility and debating the issues, rather than stooping to personal attacks, took a fractious turn on Thursday. After Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont called Hillary Clinton unqualified to be president, Democrats faced the prospect of an increasingly contentious nominating process hurting the party’s ability to unite against Republicans in the fall.”
Item: Democrat presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, as noted on his campaign website, considers Social Security to be “the most successful government program in our nation’s history.” He denies that it is in crisis or going broke, and insists that it should be “strengthened” and “expanded.”
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