The Vax & Premature Deaths
The Covid national emergency officially ended on May 15, 2023, long after public fatigue of the pandemic became overwhelming. After taking a short break from its “fear porn” propaganda, the mainstream media resurrected the Covid narrative in August, focusing on novel, “highly mutated” and “highly spreadable” Covid variants as the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) began to report a consistent rise in Covid-related cases, hospitalizations, and deaths. Amplifying the air of concern, certain entities eagerly reimplemented some of the Covid protocols, including the infamous mask mandates.
Nevertheless, medical practitioners are widely reporting that patients infected with the new variants, named Eris and Pirola, experience very mild, if any, symptoms. These symptoms, akin to those of Omicron, may encompass fever, chills, cough, fatigue, headache, and other flu-like manifestations. Encouragingly, the infections are easily managed by well-established antiviral treatments such as ivermectin.
Analyzing the latest Covid trends, esteemed scientist Dr. Robert Malone reported on his Substack, “As usual, there is only one group who is at any risk attributable to COVID at this point, and even that is a very low risk. That risk group being the age cohort 70+ years old. In the 70+ age group, about 3 people are being admitted to the hospital WITH COVID-19 per 100,000 per week. For all other age cohorts, the risk of hospital admission is near next to nothing.” The CDC itself informed us that for the week ending August 19, only 1.7 percent of all fatalities nationwide were attributed to the virus.
However, as anticipated, the Biden administration persists in treating Covid as an ongoing and substantial threat. On August 22, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) disclosed its allocation of an additional $1.4 billion toward the development of new Covid treatments and vaccines. Yet even this considerable investment does not appear to suffice. Joe Biden himself conceded on August 25, “I signed off this morning on a proposal to present to Congress requests for additional funding for a new [Covid] vaccine.” Meanwhile, in mid-September, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) cleared the new Covid boosters for Americans aged six months and older, with the CDC recommending their use despite no human-safety trials being conducted and despite the fact that the variants this additional dose is supposed to target are already being replaced with even newer ones.
One can hardly be blamed for attempting to tally the recommended Covid vaccine doses, which had reached seven in some instances, before the introduction of the bivalent booster in August 2022. The latter was supposed to serve either as an initial dose for the unvaccinated or yet another “layer of protection” for those who had diligently kept up with their previous shots. In American newspeak, this is called “an effective vaccine.”
However, the apparent inefficacy of Covid vaccinations in curtailing Covid infections and transmissions becomes a secondary concern when juxtaposed with their safety profile. As of the time of the writing of this article, a corpus of over 3,400 peer-reviewed studies had probed the intricate mechanisms through which Covid shots and their components harm the human body. The most recent major report, titled “COVID-19 vaccine-associated mortality in the Southern Hemisphere,” which extrapolated its findings for the global population, concluded, “It appears that the global COVID-19 vaccination campaign was in effect a mass iatrogenic [harm-inducing] event that killed (0.213 ± 0.006) % of the world population (1 death per 470 living persons, in less than 3 years), and did not measurably prevent any [Covid] deaths.”
At the same time, this body of evidence appears to be barely scratching the surface of our understanding of the long-term consequences of these inoculations. Dr. Anthony Fauci, a vocal advocate of mass inoculations with experimental genetic shots during the pandemic, had taken a markedly different stance in 1999, cautioning about the possibility of vaccine risks manifesting themselves more than a decade after their administration: “If you take [the vaccine] and then a year goes by and everybody’s fine, then you say, ‘OK, that’s good; now let’s give it to 500 people’; and then a year goes by and everything’s fine. You say, ‘Well, then, now, let’s give it to thousands of people,’ and then you find out that it takes twelve years for all hell to break loose, and then what have you done?”
During the fall, there is the usual surge in respiratory ailments, and these may very likely be exploited to justify new restrictions under the guise of public health and another round of vaccinations. It therefore becomes important to examine the repercussions of the previous vaccination campaign that coincided with an upsurge in sudden deaths among young and active demographics.

“Hell breaking loose”: Back in 1999, Dr. Anthony Fauci cautioned against the potential long-term risks associated with new vaccines. However, since 2021 he has pushed for widespread inoculations with experimental Covid gene therapies and the vaccine mandates put forth by the Biden administration. (AP Images)
Jabbing the World
The pandemic years were defined by the global push for Covid immunization. Echoing the mantra “No one is safe until everyone is safe,” world leaders, healthcare institutions, pharmaceutical companies, and supranational bodies such as the UN and World Health Organization (WHO) orchestrated an unprecedented vaccination drive. Employing a mix of cajoling and coercion, these entities resorted to unparalleled propaganda and censorship, often ignoring national laws, ethical principles in medicine, individual autonomy, and common sense. Consequently, by September 2021, Canada saw 67 percent of its population fully vaccinated; the European Union had achieved nearly 60 percent vaccination coverage; and the United States trailed not too far behind, with more than 55 percent of Americans receiving the “Fauci-Ouchies.” Just two months later, this number surged beyond 63 percent due to the Biden administration’s mandates. Simultaneously, shots targeting children aged five to 11 were introduced, while those already vaccinated were offered “booster” doses to “reinforce” protection. However, these shots not only failed to safeguard against Covid infections, they rendered individuals increasingly susceptible to infections with each additional dose. This, though, was not the most alarming issue. The safety profile of these novel genetic injections proved so alarming that the FDA initially intended to keep the Pfizer documents used for licensure under wraps for 75 years, a plan halted by U.S. District Judge Mark Pittman’s January 6, 2022 order for their full disclosure.
As the order was executed, it became evident why the FDA sought secrecy. The records revealed cardiovascular complications, hemorrhages, autoimmune disorders, strokes, menstrual irregularities, miscarriages, neurological and dermatological problems, and numerous other severe side effects — even deaths — in Pfizer’s vaccinees following the December 2020 authorization. Notably, the documents also exposed instances of data manipulation and inconsistencies in reporting, possibly intended to mask adverse events, which the FDA should have detected but failed to do so.
One must remember that no matter the severity of harms caused by the experimental shots, Big Pharma was given legal immunity — such an ironic and cruel term! — through the FDA Emergency Use Authorization.
Even prior to the rollout of the vaccines, the outcomes of clinical trials should have unequivocally signaled to regulators the untenable safety of these injections. Upon reevaluating data from Pfizer’s and Moderna’s clinical trials, a study published in the peer-reviewed journal Vaccine revealed that mRNA vaccines increased serious adverse events at a frequency of one in 800 recipients. A separate study conducted by distinguished British cardiologist Dr. Aseem Malhotra independently scrutinized clinical trials and real-world data, and arrived at identical conclusions.
At that time, scientists and analysts began suspecting links between Covid vaccinations and a surge in all-cause mortality rates within heavily vaccinated populations, as public attention was captivated by a novel phenomenon that dominated headlines in 2021: Young, fit athletes across the globe began experiencing heart attacks, often on the field. News stories of individuals “dying suddenly,” particularly students and young professionals in occupations subjected to vaccine mandates, became commonplace, constituting a somber facet of the “new normal.”
Certainly, it would be inaccurate to attribute the entirety of post-Covid-vaccination excess deaths solely to the inoculations, given that other causes of death were also on the rise during the pandemic. Among these, fentanyl overdoses surged — thanks in part to the Biden administration’s open-border policies — emerging as the primary cause of death for adults aged 18 to 45, claiming 41,587 lives within this demographic in 2021. Additionally, 47,458 Americans tragically took their own lives that year. The leading causes of death in the United States were heart disease and cancer, causing 693,021 and 603,554 deaths, respectively. Meanwhile, 415,399 deaths were linked to Covid, followed by unintended injuries, strokes, chronic lower respiratory diseases, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, and other ailments. Still, a notable and unsettling caveat emerged: There have been no conclusive explanations, let alone efforts, to elucidate why athletes and adolescents were suddenly succumbing to unexplained and highly unlikely deaths while sleeping, collapsing on playing fields or at family gatherings, or developing rapidly advancing cancers seemingly out of nowhere.
Dying Young and Fit
The accounts of athletes collapsing during matches have been particularly distressing. It has been estimated that starting in June 2021, not a single month has passed with fewer than 29 reported deaths of athletes worldwide. The tally surged to 90 reported cases in December 2021 alone.
In response to the widely covered case of 17-year-old Bronny James, son of basketball icon LeBron James, suffering cardiac arrest in July of this year, CNN’s chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta asserted that such incidents of cardiac arrest among athletes were “rare.” He suggested that these cases could stem from diverse, undiagnosed structural heart abnormalities. Dr. Gupta put forth the notion that “thousands” of young athletes experience sudden cardiac arrests annually, implying that, while unfortunate, such occurrences are within the bounds of normalcy.
However, if Gupta’s statistics hold true, and indeed thousands of individuals experience heart attacks while engaging in sports, should this truly be viewed as a nonconcerning characteristic of a regular baseline? Contrary to this perspective, a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine in 2017 revealed that the frequency of cardiac arrests among individuals aged 17 to 45 participating in competitive sports between 2009 and 2014 was markedly lower than current figures. According to the study, “Over the course of 18.5 million person-years of observation, 74 sudden cardiac arrests occurred during participation in a sport; of these, 16 occurred during competitive sports and 58 occurred during noncompetitive sports.”
In 2006, a study conducted in Lausanne, Switzerland, specifically delved into cases of sudden cardiac deaths among athletes under the age of 35 between 1966 and 2004 — a span of 38 years. The study identified a total of 1,101 such instances, averaging out to approximately 29 occurrences per year. Contrast this with at least 29 — and as many as 90 — cardiac deaths among athletes per month since the rollout of the Covid shots.
Athletes participating in professional sports and performing live before sizable audiences represented only the most visible instances within a broader pattern of excess deaths that swept through the vaccinated population.
Take, for instance, the cases of two American teenagers — one in Connecticut and another in Michigan — who were discovered dead in their beds shortly after receiving their second dose of the Pfizer vaccine in May and June of 2021. Separate autopsies conducted by health authorities in these states revealed that the cause of death was vaccine-induced myocarditis. In May 2021, 18 vaccinated teenagers in Connecticut were hospitalized with pericarditis. The CDC initiated an inquiry into the matter but concluded that such instances were “rare,” and young individuals should still proceed with vaccination. The mother of one of the teenagers expressed to the local NBC affiliate that “it doesn’t feel rare when it’s affecting your own child.”
Heart Attacks and Turbo Cancers
While healthcare authorities were dismissing these “anecdotal” accounts, asserting that the benefits of Covid vaccination outweigh any potential risks, revelations about the profound repercussions of vaccines continued to surface. These revelations bolster the hypothesis that there is a significant correlation between Covid vaccinations and occurrences of cardiac arrest, as well as the overall surge in all-cause mortality — a trend that closely aligns with the vaccine rollouts and mandates. Given the peer-reviewed research highlighting the ties between mRNA vaccines and cardiac complications, coupled with admonitions from public health authorities, one might rightfully ponder how many instances of cardiac-related deaths in 2021 and beyond could be linked to the vaccination status of the individuals in question.
Dr. Paul Offit, during a podcast titled The Saad Truth in July 2023, made a candid admission: “There certainly is a causal link between [Covid] vaccination and myocarditis and pericarditis. No doubt about it.” He went on to explain that this connection could be attributed to the spike protein in the mRNA vaccines potentially mimicking certain proteins found in heart muscle cells. Dr. Offit, who chairs the FDA’s vaccine advisory panel and consistently voted in favor of endorsing the use of Covid vaccines across all age groups, showed no remorse about his decisions.
However, in light of recent revelations about carcinogenic components such as the promoter of Simian Virus 40 (SV40) found in mRNA vaccines — coupled with their detrimental impact on the immune system’s cancer surveillance and tumor-suppression mechanisms and the emergence of an entirely new category of rapid-onset cancers termed “turbo cancers” only detected in vaccinated individuals — the extent to which the more than 604,000 and 607,790 fatal cancer cases diagnosed in 2021 and 2022, respectively, were vaccine-induced remains unknown.
Reports from doctors have been surfacing recounting “anecdotal” instances of their young patients developing aggressive cancer shortly after receiving Covid shots. Dr. Ryan Cole, who heads Cole Diagnostics, the largest independent laboratory in Idaho, shared disturbing insights as early as March 2021: “Since January 1, in the laboratory, I’m seeing a 20-times increase in endometrial cancers over what I see on an annual basis.” He went on to clarify that this observation was not an exaggeration, as he meticulously tracks his annual numbers. Dr. Cole postulated that the vaccines seemed to be provoking severe autoimmune reactions, creating what he described as a “reverse HIV” response. This response hampers the immune system to the extent that it is unable to address malignancies and eliminate mutating cells before they propagate.
Dr. Cole also highlighted a surge in melanomas, herpes, shingles, mononucleosis, and human papilloma virus (HPV) in women. HPV is linked to reproductive organ cancers in both men and women.
In Sweden, Dr. Ute Krüger, a seasoned practitioner at Lund University’s Clinical Pathology Department specializing in breast cancer, recounted her experiences in the autumn of 2021 when she was confronted by an unusually high caseload of cancers. Dr. Krüger introduced the term “turbo cancer” to describe a unique phenomenon: a surge in diagnoses among much younger patients (ages 30 to 50), characterized by faster and more aggressive tumor growth, increased tumor sizes, and the emergence of multifocal (multiple tumors in the same area) and bilateral (tumors developing in both breasts of the same patient) tumors. In some instances, patients were grappling with multiple cancer types simultaneously.
Dr. Krüger linked this phenomenon to the Covid-19 mass vaccination campaign. However, her attempts to garner support from colleagues for further investigation into her hypothesis met with “little response.” Expressing her frustration, she lamented, “Now it feels like I’m watching people being killed, and I cannot do anything.”
Elsewhere in Europe, Dr. Angus Dalgleish, a professor of oncology at St. George’s Hospital Medical School in London, bore witness to the emergence and resurgence of cancers among those within his circle. In an open letter to the editor of the British Medical Journal in late 2022, he wrote, “As a practicing oncologist, I am seeing people with stable disease rapidly progress after being forced to have a booster, usually so they can travel.” Dr. Dalgleish detailed the cases of people in his personal network who developed B-cell-based diseases following booster shots, including leukemia, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, and rare B-cell disorders leading to multiple metastases. He underscored that this pattern was observed in the United States, Australia, and Germany.
In a recent interview with The New American, Canadian oncologist and immunologist Dr. William Makis highlighted the challenging environment for physicians and scientists who aimed to investigate turbo cancers, indicating that active discouragement hindered research efforts and that many insights into the concerning phenomenon were serendipitous discoveries. One such discovery was documented in a research paper elucidating how the immune response in vaccinated individuals shifts to produce a distinct antibody type called IgG4, which tolerates the spike protein, a recognized cytotoxic agent, thereby redirecting protective efforts away from other viruses and malignancies.
Dropping like flies: During the pandemic, instances of young professional athletes suffering heart attacks during games reached 29-90 per month, compared to 29 per year pre-pandemic. Shown here is Bronny James, who went into cardiac arrest during practice. (AP Images)

Calculating Excess Deaths
In 2022, heart disease and cancer remained the leading causes of death among Americans. The CDC reported increases in both categories compared to 2021, accounting for 699,659 and 607,790 deaths, respectively. Notably, deaths associated with Covid-19 decreased by 50 percent during the same period.
However, given the finding that the most frequent post-marketing side effect observed in those receiving Pfizer vaccinations was, paradoxically, Covid-19, a question arises: How many of the registered Covid-19 fatalities in the years 2021-2023 resulted from the shots administered in the declared pursuit of protecting the health of individuals and their families, securing employment, enabling travel, participating in social life, accessing education, or engaging in sports?
One of the initial indicators revealing the severity of the situation came from insurance company OneAmerica. In the early days of January 2022, OneAmerica CEO Scott Davison stated, “We are seeing, right now, the highest death rates we have seen in the history of this business — not just at OneAmerica. The data is consistent across every player in that business.” Davison conveyed that the rise in non-Covid deaths during the third and fourth quarters of 2021 represented “huge, huge numbers,” and that the deceased comprised “primarily working-age people 18 to 64.” Death rates, he noted, had escalated by 40 percent beyond pre-pandemic levels. To contextualize this, he highlighted that a 10-percent increase would be a one-in-200-years event.
This news garnered attention from some alternative media outlets and former BlackRock analyst Edward Dowd. In early 2022, Dowd enlisted expert analysts to meticulously examine official government data, including statistics from the CDC and the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, alongside insurance companies’ data. Their objective was to determine if working-age Americans were indeed experiencing unusually high excess mortality rates. As a result of these efforts, Dowd penned a book titled “Cause Unknown”: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 & 2022. In November 2022, the book’s pivotal findings were presented during U.S. Senate hearings led by Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), and further discussed in two interviews with The New American conducted at that time.
Dowd’s discoveries were nothing short of groundbreaking. He framed his revelations in the following manner: “From February 2021 to March 2022, millennials experienced the equivalent of the Vietnam War, with more than 60,000 excess deaths. The Vietnam War took 12 years to kill the same number of healthy young people you’ve just seen die in 12 months.”
But the story did not end there. Not only did excess deaths across all causes remain significantly above the baseline established by the CDC, but they precisely coincided with the introduction of lockdowns, vaccine rollouts, and mandates, as seen in the chart on the previous page.
From Dowd’s book: “Millennials (ages 25-44) saw an acceleration of excess mortality into the second half of 2021 to new all-time highs, a stunning 84% above baseline.”
Another authoritative source confirmed the analysis of the CDC data. On August 17, 2022, the Society of Actuaries Research Institute published their “Group Life COVID-19 Mortality Survey Report,” which confirmed excess mortality in two age groups, 25-34 and 35-44, that spiked in the third quarter of 2021.
Yet another important finding was that excess mortality hit young people much harder than it did older ones, wrote Dowd: “In 2020, there were 126,000 excess deaths of people under the age of 65, or approximately 21%. In Year 2 of the pandemic, there were 181,000 excess deaths of people under the age of 65, or approximately 35%. But the millennials saw an enormous increase: 45%, from 42,000 excess deaths to 61,000.”
What caused the unprecedented number of excess deaths among working-age Americans? Dowd provided a clear and unequivocal response: “The obvious explanation for the deaths moving to younger, healthier people is that most of those who were employed and insured were forced by mandate to take an experimental vaccine product to maintain their employment, even if they were hesitant, or had a medical or religious objection.”
Safety Non-monitoring
The “epidemic of sudden deaths” that coincided with the rollout of experimental gene therapies should have triggered an alarm from healthcare agencies. However, it did not.
According to the CDC webpage last updated in March 2023, “COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective.” (Emphasis in original.) The agency urges individuals aged six months and older to maintain their vaccine schedules, assuring the public, “Millions of people in the United States have received COVID-19 vaccines under the most intense safety monitoring in US history.” This statement, however, contradicts reality, as healthcare agencies routinely overlook their primary surveillance system, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), which, as of September 15, contained 1,593,415 reports and 36,231 deaths. According to a U.S. government study on VAERS, these figures represent only one percent of the actual number of suspected adverse events associated with the vaccines. In early January 2023, under pressure from The Epoch Times, the CDC released documents related to its monitoring of VAERS, disclosing the type of safety signals it was actually seeing. While its website described typical adverse reactions to Covid vaccines as mild, localized, and temporary, the documents from January 2023 painted a much graver picture. The CDC identified a staggering 770 distinct types of clear safety signals related to thromboembolic, cardiac, neurological, hemorrhagic, hematological, immune-system-related, and menstrual issues, as well as death, among American adults. Additionally, there were 92 safety signals for individuals aged 12-17 and 65 for those aged 5-11. None of the signals was investigated.
Persisting in its lack of commitment to “rigorous safety monitoring,” the CDC took a perplexing step in late July 2023 by abruptly discontinuing its V-Safe program, which was designed to gather individual reports regarding adverse reactions to Covid injections. This decision was made without providing any explanation. Before its shutdown, V-Safe had successfully enrolled more than 10 million vaccine recipients, of whom more than three million reported experiencing adverse reactions. Currently, the V-Safe website redirects users to the VAERS platform for reporting adverse events.
“As a drug safety expert, I personally can’t cite another example of any agency or manufacturer halting the collection of safety data,” wrote Dr. David Gortler, a former senior advisor to an FDA commissioner, for the Brownstone Institute. “It seems even worse because mRNA technology is relatively new and long-term toxicity manifestations being unknown. On top of this, both manufacturers and the FDA refuse to share the list of ingredients, such as lipid nanoparticles, which could affect individuals differently and take a long time to manifest clinically,” he continued. Gortler contended that “safety data collection should never stop.”
But what purpose would such data collection serve if the apparent objective is to persist with vaccination efforts no matter what?
Mass Depopulation?
In speculating as to the motivations of the Biden administration and healthcare authorities, who seem strongly influenced by the interests of Big Pharma, the financial incentive is glaringly evident. Covid vaccines swiftly became the most profitable pharmaceuticals in history. To put it into perspective, Pfizer alone raked in over $60 billion from direct sales of the shots during the years 2021 and 2022.
Yet, medical freedom fighters propose a much more unsettling assumption for the ongoing vaccination campaigns. A grim suspicion began to circulate as early as 2021. Dr. Michael Yeadon, a former Pfizer executive who turned into one of the most vocal critics of Covid shots and mandates, told LifeSiteNews in April 2021, “I’m very worried ... that pathway [of mass vaccination] will be used for mass depopulation, because I can’t think of any benign explanation.” He went on to add that “the eugenicists have got hold of the levers of power.”
In his book End Game: COVID and the Dark State Quest for Bio-digital Convergence in a Transhumanist World, The New American’s publisher, Dennis Behreandt, documented the influence of Malthusianism on American ideologies and practices of population control. Despite being proven wrong time and time again in their assumptions that the population grows at “unsustainable” rates, “Malthusian thinkers have continued to exercise influence, and their efforts contributed to no end of evil,” wrote Behreandt, adding, “Indeed, they bear responsibility for much of the barbaric bloodshed unleashed upon innocents throughout the 20th century and down to the present day.”
What type of impact have these ideas actually had? One significant consequence involved the formalization of population control as an official government policy. “The Kissinger report [of 1974] and subsequent national security directives from Gerald Ford and multiple other memos … establishes depopulation as a U.S. government priority, capping global population at eight billion, which we almost hit in 2020, a coincidence at best,” said Dr. Robert Malone to The New American in August 2023. The evidence for the Covid shots to be pulled from the market has long been clear, yet “What [the government is] doing is … forcing vaccination on people, and I believe they’re killing people with this vaccination,” said Malone.
In the midst of these unsettling revelations and the persistent silence from regulatory bodies, the specter of depopulation appears as an uncomfortable yet increasingly plausible explanation for the relentless drive for mass Covid vaccination. The lessons of not-so-distant history caution against acceptance of any new Covid injections, as well as a resolute rejection of any restrictions and mandates.
In our pursuit of truth and the preservation of human life, we must remain vigilant, questioning the motives behind the fervent push for widespread vaccination, and ensuring that the well-being and autonomy of individuals are not sacrificed on the altar of an anti-human agenda.