The “Stupid Party” Lives Up to Its Name Yet Again
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Finished: Kevin McCarthy’s term as House speaker lasted only nine months. Republicans dropped him because they felt he broke his promises and made backroom deals with President Biden and House Democrats.

The “Stupid Party” Lives Up to Its Name Yet Again

The House speaker race following the ousting of Kevin McCarthy has highlighted the war within the GOP and distracted Americans from an existential threat to the country. ...
R. Cort Kirkwood
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Set aside the obvious observation that the Republicans who voted to make Kevin McCarthy of California the speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives in January got exactly what they deserved: a speaker for the Deep State uniparty that wants to keep Americans embroiled in foreign wars and the national debt climbing to the outer reaches of the stratosphere. 

The larger lesson in the election and then removal of McCarthy as one of the nation’s two top Republican leaders is far more important. The GOP is called the Stupid Party for a reason. It never misses a chance to blow the game when all the money is on the line — to fumble at the one-yard line in the fourth quarter, to strike out with three men on base in the ninth inning, to whiff a winning tap-in putt on the 18th hole in the final round. If the failure of the GOP since Donald Trump’s stunning victory in 2016 could be summed up in two words, those words would be “Kevin” and “McCarthy.”

At the time of this writing, the House has not replaced him. But McCarthy’s rise and fall invite a few observations. Not least, his election and removal perfectly encapsulate what’s wrong with the GOP, by showing that it doesn’t understand the most significant peril the country has ever faced: a Camp of the Saints-style illegal alien invasion at the southwest border that won’t spell doom just for the party, but also for the country.

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