The Review

The Review

Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Is Dinesh D’Souza’s Police State Too Late? Not if We Act Now!

KGB. Gestapo. Stasi. DGI. We all know the names. Every totalitarian regime has its enforcement arm, its dreaded police apparatus. These evil entities exist to strike terror into the hearts of citizens and make them comply with the regime’s dictates. Americans have been uniquely blessed to not have a national police force that could be bent in that despotic direction. In establishing our Constitution, the Founders wisely placed police powers in the hands of state and local governments. But that has changed.

The FBI, which generations of Americans once trusted and respected, has morphed into a completely politicized tool of oppression. Millions of Americans have awakened to the fact that our country is rapidly descending into madness and chaos. Simultaneously, the forces that have brought us the growing social anarchy are the same forces that are busily hemming us into their new prison state, which grows more totalitarian with each passing day. Still, many people shake their heads in disbelief, unable to grasp the full import of the harsh truth revealed in the unmistakable evidence that is staring them in the face. As the events of the past two-plus years since Joe Biden entered the White House have amply proved, America is already far along on its way to being a full-blown police state.

Police State, the new documentary from award-winning filmmaker and author Dinesh D’Souza and popular radio host Dan Bongino, has arrived at a crucial moment to bring an urgent warning that we are headed down a fatal path, and that we must put on the brakes and reverse course — before it’s too late. The film is hard hitting and fast paced, packing real footage and dramatizations together with interviews of elected officials, federal whistleblowers, and police-state victims into a powerful one-hour, 50-minute package.

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