The Last Word
A Tale Of Three Stories

A Tale Of Three Stories

R. Cort Kirkwood
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

A Tale of Three Stories

Though the anti-American Left has controlled the news media since at least the mid-20th century, within the memory of many Americans, the major newspapers and networks at least pretended they were impartial. 

That ended with Barack Obama. Even top Democrats declared that the media were “in the tank” for the Chicago leftist who promised to “fundamentally change” the nation. Donald Trump vowed to stop that change, and so the  media openly declared war on him. They spewed venom and falsehoods and hatched impeachment plans even before he won the GOP nomination.

And since Election Day 2016, the media have colluded with hate-Trump Democrats to smear and destroy him. If Donald Trump has done us a service, it is this: He finished what Obama started. He invited the media to rip off their mask of impartiality and confess what they have always been: agents of subversion.

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