The John Birch Society is Back at CPAC
Veronika Kyrylenko interviewed Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene.

The John Birch Society is Back at CPAC

To the joy of constitutionalist attendees, The John Birch Society, parent organization of The New American, was welcomed back to CPAC after being banned from the event in 2012. ...
Veronika Kyrylenko
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

The Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) continues to be the world’s largest gathering of conservatives. Being one of the biggest political and press events of the year, CPAC draws national and international attention for a good reason: It defines and articulates the agenda of the next elections and sets the stage for Republican candidates and rising stars in the party.

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The JBS booth was a popular spot.

The New American team attended this year’s event, which was hosted immediately outside of the Capitol Beltway at the Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center on March 1-4.

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Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.): The true Republican firebrand described her much-discussed idea of the “national divorce” between red and blue states as a way of reducing the power and size of the “overgrown monster” that the federal government has become. She also stressed the urgent need to return power back to states, where it belongs.

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Representative Ronny Jackson (R-Texas): Democrats avoided asking questions about Covid they didn’t want answers to. Moreover, many of them will likely be found complicit in awful wrongdoings that harmed and continue to harm Americans, says Jackson. The newly established pandemic committee has very broad jurisdiction to investigate pandemic policies such as vaccinations and Covid origins.

Dr. Peter McCullough: Multiple government agencies have an oversight role in biological threat development programs concerning coronaviruses, and they are connected with the development of novel mRNA “vaccines” and other therapeutics, notes McCullough. How many biolabs are out there, and what are they cooking? Nothing good, for sure, considering the ambitions of power-hungry, corrupt elites.

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Kimberly Fletcher: The founder, CEO, and President of Moms for America believes in the power of American mothers to promote liberty and raise patriots to heal the Republic. She warns that the Biden administration and other leftists are intentionally distorting American history, values, and core ideas to dumb people down and make them embrace socialism and big government.

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Mike Lindell: The founder of My Pilllow announced the Election Crime Bureau, which will be a major part of his ongoing efforts to combat election fraud. The organization vows to “investigate, prosecute, [and] restore trust.” The stated objectives include eliminating voting machines, passing legislative reforms, and decentralizing voter rolls.

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Dr. Robert Malone: One hundred ninety-four nations are laying the legal groundwork for transferring their national sovereignty to the World Health Organization (WHO) to manage “public health emergencies,” warns Malone. Lessons learned from three years of the Covid pandemic clearly show that nations who did not follow the WHO’s advice and maintained their independence and sovereignty fared much better than those who marched in lockstep with the globalists.

John Zadrozny: The Deputy Director of America First Legal maintained that the goal of the Biden administration is lawlessness in virtually all public policy domains. That includes the intentional deconstruction of the working immigration system put in place under President Donald Trump. Allowing millions of illegal aliens into the country is the result not of incompetence, but of concrete policy.

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The S.C. Freedom Caucus: South Carolina law allows only certain legislative caucuses to raise money and engage in the full range of protected free speech. That, apparently, excludes constitutional conservatives such as those of the Freedom Caucus, several of whom are John Birch Society members, including the two state legislators shown below. 

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