History - Past and Perspective
The Founding Fathers & Self-reliance

The Founding Fathers & Self-reliance

America’s Founding Fathers understood the importance of self-reliance, and were committed to making America a self-reliant nation. ...
Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

The United States of America, a country of unparalleled liberty and unique federal structure, was founded on the bedrock principles of liberty and independence. Much of the character of our country is directly attributable to the visionary wisdom of its Founding Fathers. Among the paramount virtues that served as polestars guiding their revolutionary voyage, the quality of self-reliance was of inestimable value to our Founding Fathers. Embodying this quality, their writings, actions, and deep-seated beliefs not only molded the country’s foundation, but also blazed a trail to be followed by a society that reveres individual freedom and limited government intervention.

The Founding Fathers and Self-reliance: An Unwavering Commitment

Self-reliance, in the context of the Founding Fathers, was far more than a personal virtue. To fully grasp the depth of their commitment to self-reliance, we must examine their own words and deeds, which eloquently bear testament to their profound belief. While this is certainly no complete collection of the testimonies of our Founding Fathers on the importance of self-reliance and its inextricable relationship with freedom, the following selections should suffice to demonstrate to the reader the devotion of our Founding Generation to that principle.

Benjamin Franklin: The Quintessential Self-reliant American

Benjamin Franklin, a polymath of the American Enlightenment, epitomized self-reliance in both his personal life and his political philosophy. His Poor Richard’s Almanack brimmed with aphorisms that exalted virtues such as hard work, thrift, and individual responsibility. Within its pages, Franklin succinctly encapsulated the essence of self-reliance with the phrase, “God helps them that help themselves.” This maxim serves as a timeless reminder of the spirit of self-reliance, in which individuals are not just encouraged, but expected, to take the initiative and diligently labor to enhance their own lives.

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