History - Past and Perspective
The Evil History of Eugenics

The Evil History of Eugenics

The belief that humans can be “perfected” through managed selective breeding received its modern kickoff from Darwin and Francis Galton in the U.K., and quickly spread to America, where it developed into a platform for “scientific” totalitarian tyranny. ...
Dennis Behreandt
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

For more than a century it has been fashionable among certain “intellectuals” and their elite oligarch clientele to believe, as opposed to the Christian notion that a perfect paradise awaits in Heaven for those who believe in Christ and repent of their sins, that a paradise can be built here on Earth, in the here and now, if only those “chosen” to survive and thrive can be perfected.

Those of this mindset had the intellectual framework for this idea implanted in their weak minds by the works of Charles Darwin and by Gregor Mendel. Darwin, of course, sketched out his ideas of evolution, and Mendel, working with peas in his garden, figured out the basics of the heritability of traits.

It is necessary to put Darwin into proper context. To today’s average American, and especially to the committed political “progressive,” Darwin is a key patron saint of secularism. He “discovered” and “proved” evolution and cannot be questioned. Anyone who does question Darwin is, therefore, a backwards rube at best, and perhaps a dangerous and deluded flat-earther, redneck deplorable.

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