The Biden-UN Immigration Invasion Scheme
AP Images
The new invasion: The influx into the United States of Haitians, already a significant part of the invasion on the U.S. southern border, is expected to escalate dramatically as the civil war and gang violence in Haiti continue to worsen.

The Biden-UN Immigration Invasion Scheme

The unprecedented flood of illegal immigrants into the United States is not happenstance. The Biden administration and United Nations have engineered the deluge. ...
William F. Jasper
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

The invasion is not stopping; it is accelerating. Our borders are being overrun, and it is no accident. We are witnessing a methodically planned and orchestrated scheme by the Biden administration and the UN International Organization for Migration (IOM). It is a continuation of President Obama’s migration plans for “fundamentally transforming the United States of America,” and Biden and the UN have no intention of letting up. They have already brought millions of migrants into the country illegally, and plan to bring in millions more. In fact, they are now in the process of greenlighting the admission of a continuing tsunami of migrants from virtually every country on earth. Haiti is the latest hellhole country set to contribute a new migrant horde. 

Propaganda regarding their immigration agenda notwithstanding, Team Biden/UN have no compassion for the migrants. Rather, they are callously endangering migrants’ lives by encouraging them to undertake long, perilous journeys through treacherous mountain and jungle terrain and territories controlled by bandits and drug cartels, where many will be raped, murdered, or robbed, and their children taken for slave labor and sex trafficking. They are using migrants as a political tool to destroy America so that we can be absorbed into their planned New World Order. The Biden State Department and the UN’s IOM, manned by Obama retreads, are ramrodding this treachery, but you and I, the American taxpayers, are footing the bill — in more ways than one.

Here are some pertinent facts, before we dive into the heart of this fast-developing story:

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