Deep State
Tarnished Brass: Deep State Militarists vs. Trump

Tarnished Brass: Deep State Militarists vs. Trump

The one-world globalists have achieved a near stranglehold on the leadership of our military and intelligence agencies — with devastating results. ...
William F. Jasper
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

“Architect of bin Laden raid: Trump ‘threatens the Constitution’ when he attacks the media.” That was the title of a CNN story by Jake Tapper and Devan Cole on November 18, highlighting statements of retired Admiral William H. McRaven (shown). “I stand by my comment that the President’s attack on the media is the greatest threat to our democracy in my lifetime,” McRaven stated, referring to remarks he made in February 2017 to journalism students at the University of Texas in Austin. “When you undermine the people’s right to a free press and freedom of speech and expression, then you threaten the Constitution and all for which it stands,” the four-star admiral told CNN.

CNN’s broadcast of Admiral McRaven’s jabs at President Trump was echoed by all the usual media suspects: the New York Times, NBC, ABC, the Washington Post, Yahoo, AOL, etc. Many of them were reposts of the Huffington Post article entitled “Osama Bin Laden Hunter Slams Trump Behavior As ‘Greatest Threat To Our Democracy.’” But as we will see below, there is much more to the admiral’s attack than appears on the surface. It was part and parcel of an ongoing effort by military and intelligence flunkies of the Deep State shadow government to undermine the president.

Admiral McRaven had turned his University of Texas speech back in 2017 into an op-ed that was widely circulated by the anti-Trump media as a stern rebuke to the president for his criticism of much (but not all) of the media. In his opinion piece, McRaven told of speaking to “bright aspiring young journalists” who “were troubled by the President’s recent Tweet describing the news media as ‘the enemy of the American people.’” The admiral assured them “that not only did I disagree with that sentiment; I viewed it as perhaps the greatest threat to democracy in my lifetime.”

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