Book Review
Taking the Road Less Traveled

Taking the Road Less Traveled

Ron Paul’s latest book, Liberty Defined, is a gem of political wisdom. It covers topics deeply enough to interest political wonks, yet so clearly that the novice can enjoy it. ...
Becky Akers
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Liberty Defined, by Ron Paul, New York: Grand Central Publishing, 2011, 352 pages, hardcover.

When was the last time you opened a book by a contemporary politician — or more accurately, his ghostwriter — to see Lysander Spooner mentioned, much less discussed, and intelligently so? If you crave so exceedingly rare and rarified a pleasure, treat yourself to Rep. Ron Paul’s (R-Texas) newest effort, Liberty Defined.

Were Dr. Paul a typical American ruler, he would be far more familiar with lobbyists and menus at four-star restaurants than with anarcho-capitalists from the 19th century. And if by some bizarre happenstance, he had actually heard of Spooner, he would vilify and denounce him for his vigorous hostility against government. But of course, Dr. Paul is as unusual as freedom is.

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