Systemic Child Abuse: Giving Kids the Needle of Death
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Systemic Child Abuse: Giving Kids the Needle of Death

COVID-19 vaccines are now being pushed on children, who are more likely to be harmed by the vaccines than by the disease itself. ...
Selwyn Duke
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

“Do it for the children.” Oh, how many times have we heard this appeal over the years uttered in service of suspect causes? But what the leftists who wore out that line are now doing for the children — or to the children, to be precise — is perhaps the latest example of an underappreciated phenomenon: systemic child abuse. 

We hear much about “systemic racism.” Social-sphere robber barons (e.g., Attorney General Merrick Garland’s son-in-law) make millions peddling Critical Race Theory to schools, and demagogues use “systemic racism” to leverage political power. Yet systemic child abuse has a quality systemic racism doesn’t:

It’s actually real. 

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