The Last Word
Supreme Constitutional Trespass: Marriage

Supreme Constitutional Trespass: Marriage

Everyone, Right and Left, agrees that all adults have a right to “marry”; apparently, though, many disagree on what marriage is. This brings us to the fundamental problem: How can you determine if there’s a right to a thing before determining what that thing is? Are the courts supposed to say, “There is a right ... to we know not what”? ...
Selwyn Duke
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Courts and marriage, courts and marriage; they go together like a cat and carriage. With the Supreme Court possibly poised to strike down the remaining state bans on official recognition of same-sex relationships, it’s lamentable, but important to note, that things have gone this far only because of a universal failure to acknowledge and argue the central point in the faux-marriage debate. This is not merely that, as our Constitution dictates, marriage is no business of the feds. It is something more fundamental, something informing that — except insofar as a state constitution may contain marriage prescriptions — it is, in fact, no business of any court.

If I stated that homosexuals already have a right to marry — to form a matrimonial union with a member of the opposite sex — faux marriage advocates will certainly disagree with the italicized definition. “Who are you to define marriage for everyone else!” is the idea. And this gets at the point: The marriage debate is not about rights.

It is about definitions.

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