The Last Word
Stop the Deep State’s “Free Trade” Agenda for Global Government

Stop the Deep State’s “Free Trade” Agenda for Global Government

To preserve our national sovereignty and the Constitution, we must stop the Deep State globalists’ USMCA and all the rest of their “free trade” agenda for global government! ...
Larry Greenley
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

The Deep State’s globalist plan for what insiders refer to as the “New World Order” — basically, a global government controlled by themselves — begins with submerging the sovereignty of nation-states into regional “orders.” These are better understood as regional governments built using “free trade” deals as the foundation, with the European Union serving as the premier example. How do we know this is the plan? Because top Deep State globalists have said so publicly and repeatedly. And because that is the exact strategy being pursued openly.

— Alex Newman, “Creating a New World Order Out of Regional Orders”

In his article “Creating a New World Order Out of Regional Orders,” Alex Newman makes crystal clear the Deep State globalists’ game plan for establishing a global government. Their plan depends on submerging the sovereignty of nation-states into regional governments based on “free trade” deals. And as he adds later in the same article, “Eventually, these regional orders will be interwoven into an overlapping patchwork of multilateral regimes on the road to creating a truly global authority, perhaps under the United Nations.”

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