The Last Word
Stop the Deep State Plan for a UN World Government!

Stop the Deep State Plan for a UN World Government!

Larry Greenley
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

[There is a plan] to induce the gradual surrender of American sovereignty, piece by piece and step by step, to various international organizations — of which the United Nations is the outstanding but far from the only example….  Until one day we shall gradually realize that we are already just a part of a world-wide government.

— Robert Welch,
December 9, 1958

Robert Welch nailed it in 1958! He was nearing the end of his marathon two-day presentation at the founding meeting of The John Birch Society (of which The New American is a wholly owned subsidiary) in Indianapolis when he issued the above stern warning about the danger to freedom posed by the United Nations. He correctly identified the existence of a plan by the globalist establishment, often described in America today as the “Deep State,” to gradually surrender our sovereignty to the United Nations until we would one day realize that we were already just a part of a UN world government.

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