Stop Destroying Our Children! A Texas Mama Wakes Up America to the Truth About Sex Ed

Annalisa Pesek
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

How do we protect our children from vile predators bent on mutilating their bodies and polluting their minds, and then equip them to live pure lives? Former sex-education expert Audrey Werner has thought about these questions and studied the history and intent behind today’s “comprehensive” sex education and how we can return to biblical principles and a life of purity. 

Through her Christian ministry The ​Matthew XVIII Group and political activism, Werner and a growing number of truth-seeking parents refuse to stay quiet on the harms of sex education. For decades, she has fearlessly exposed the origins of the Sexual Revolution and its impact on the Church and the traditional nuclear family. Her message awakens parents and lawmakers to the harms of the sexual “science” taught in schools both here and abroad. Finally, she says, people are protesting the materials being used to disrupt children’s development and destroy their innocence. 

The founder and president of The Matthew XVIII Group, Werner is also dean of life issues at Master’s International University of Divinity and the author of 10 Tips on How NOT to Talk to Your Kids About Sex. A Christian mom, wife, and grandma, she speaks to Christian leaders, youth, and legislators, as well as to lawmakers in her home state of Texas and the Parliament in Uganda. 

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