Should Planned Parenthood Receive Taxpayer Funds?

Should Planned Parenthood Receive Taxpayer Funds?

Since Planned Parenthood has enormous profits, spends millions on lobbying, mainly provides abortions, and is a small player in women’s care, shouldn’t its subsidies be cut? ...
Brian Farmer
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Since Planned Parenthood has enormous profits, spends millions on lobbying, mainly provides abortions, and is a small player in women’s care, shouldn’t its subsidies be cut?

When I first ran across the expression “reproductive rights,” I naturally assumed that what was being discussed was the right to reproduce. I thought that maybe the discussion had to do with China’s one-child policy, where women were forced to have abortions if they already had a child. And when I heard the expression “reproductive healthcare,” I assumed that what was being talked about was providing mothers and babies with good healthcare. Upon further investigation, however, I discovered that those were actually Orwellian euphemisms, used by the likes of Planned Parenthood, that provided for the putting to death of human beings who were guilty of nothing more than waiting to be born. If one has read George Orwell’s 1984, then one is familiar with Orwellian expressions such as “war is peace,” “freedom is slavery,” and “ignorance is strength.”

Today Planned Parenthood expects us to accept the Orwellian notion that “abortion is healthcare.” But is it? If we look at the Hippocratic Oath, which embodies the code of medical ethics that medical practitioners pledge to live by, we discover that the overriding principle is “do no harm.” The significance of the Hippocratic Oath revolves around its unyielding devotion to the preservation of individual human life. For thousands of years, medical science has understood that abortion is a barbaric act of violence that kills an innocent human being. That is why the original Hippocratic Oath included the statement, “I will not give to a woman an abortive remedy.”

Recall Dr. Albert Schweitzer, who came up with a universal concept of ethics that he referred to as “Reverence for Life.” When one stops to think about it, there does not seem to be much reverence for life in a Planned Parenthood clinic. Through contraception, Planned Parenthood tries to prevent life. If it fails to do that, then it tries to extinguish life. In short, Planned Parenthood epitomizes a culture of death.

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