Rittenhouse Case The Lies and the Truth
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Rittenhouse Case The Lies and the Truth

The media’s false narrative beguiled many into viewing Rittenhouse as a murderer. But in court, it was the truth that mattered. ...
R. Cort Kirkwood
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

A sobbing Kyle Rittenhouse collapsed after a jury acquitted him on all counts related to his shooting and killing two men, and wounding a third, in Kenosha, Wisconsin, during the Jacob Blake riots last year. But he wasn’t the only American relieved, or perhaps even surprised, given that the jury deliberated almost four full days. And though the jury’s message was clear — communist mobs will not be permitted to destroy cities and brutalize people who stand against them — it didn’t just spare Rittenhouse from life in prison.

It stopped a prosecutor’s attempt, at the unspoken behest of the Democratic Party, the leftist mainstream media, and their Antifa-Black Lives Matter storm troopers, to railroad an innocent kid who defended himself against four hardened criminals. Though video clearly showed Rittenhouse acting in self-defense, prosecutors forged ahead. They would make an example of Rittenhouse. Like Derek Chauvin and George Zimmerman, Rittenhouse was the victim of a racially and politically motivated prosecution, a morality play in which the Great White Defendant is exposed as a villain created in the casting department of Mississippi Burning.

The trial showed that the criminal-justice system can still render a fair verdict with an impartial and courageous judge and jury. But then again, it also showed that no one is safe from ideologically motivated prosecutors.

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