Red Dragon in the Voting Booth 
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CCP in U.S. elections: Professor Jin Canrong, a leading Chinese communist strategist and World Economic Forum “Agenda Contributor,” has publicly detailed (and advocated) China’s efforts to manipulate U.S. elections, such as “buying” congressional seats to turn the U.S. House of Representatives into a rubber stamp for the CCP.

Red Dragon in the Voting Booth 

Communist China’s agents are engaging in election subversion and sabotage all over the world, including in the United States. ...
William F. Jasper
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

In July 2016, Professor Jin Canrong, one of the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) top advisors, gave a two-day seminar to party and business leaders at the Southern Club Hotel in South China’s Guangzhou City. His topic? How China would replace the United States as the leading world power by a multi-pronged subversive campaign aimed at crippling and destabilizing the United States through the utilization of economic, political, diplomatic, and social weapons. Professor Jin detailed the diverse ways the CCP is working globally to assert Chairman Xi Jinping’s aggressive program for world dominance: gaining foreign allies through the investments of its Belt and Road Initiative; gaining dominance in the United Nations and international organizations such as the Food & Agriculture Organization, World Health Organization, World Trade Organization, and International Monetary Fund; entangling the United States in as many foreign conflicts as possible; controlling the U.S. economy through heavy investment in the United States by Chinese (CCP-controlled) companies; and stealing U.S. technology. Most importantly, in connection with our topic here, Jin Canrong openly laid out a brazen plan for increased CCP power in the United States through interference in and manipulation of America’s elections.

Before diving into the CCP plans for U.S. election subversion, we should explain who Jin Canrong is and why his statements are concerning. Jin, who is heralded in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) as a “teacher of the people,” is a professor of political science and associate dean of the School of International Studies at Renmin University of China. His official bio also states that he is “Vice-President, China National Association of International Studies; Vice-President, Pacific Society of China; Adviser, Policy Planning Office, National People’s Congress; Standing Councilor, China Reform Forum. Author of more than 100 academic papers, over 500 articles, 7 books and 5 translated books.” Jin is what is known in current Chinese parlance as a “Wolf Warrior,” one of Xi’s new provocative, belligerent spokesmen noted for their confrontational style, in contrast to the false front of cordiality typical under the previous leadership of Deng Xiaoping and Hu Jintao. 

Interestingly (and alarmingly), this leading strategist for the communist regime in Beijing is also a celebrated “Agenda Contributor” to the World Economic Forum, the cabal of globalist billionaires that view Xi Jinping’s mass-murdering dictatorship as the model of governance for their projected New World Order.

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