The Last Word
Ramifications of Voting Without Understanding Issues

Ramifications of Voting Without Understanding Issues

Kurt Williamsen
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

It’s said that “ignorance is bliss,” meaning that the less you know about issues, the less stress you have, so you’re happier. But as life unwinds behind me, I increasingly see that that is not true. 

A case in point: It is common for poor blacks to lament their poverty and perceived inequality in America, though college scholarships for hard-working black students are abundant and Nigerians in America, who value education, have a median income well above the U.S. national average. Too, the highest-earning race in America is Asian, not white, and married blacks suffer less from poverty than whites. If black Americans knew enough about their economic predicament to know that it is not racism keeping them poor, but rather a reliance on subsistence handouts from Big Government that was brought into being mainly by the Democratic Lyndon Johnson administration — and Democrats since that day — their circumstances could quickly change.

Then there’s the lack of understanding about religion and the pain that deficiency causes. Daily riots in cities have been taking place for months, with many attacks made against Christian people and symbols. Graffiti and vandalism have been done to religious buildings and objects in the false belief that Christianity has fostered racism and inequality. In truth, Christians have been almost solely responsible for great gains in women’s empowerment, minority empowerment, and individual rights and freedoms. Meanwhile, anti-Christian rioters have destroyed neighborhoods and made innocent residents’ lives miserable, spreading suffering in the name of justice — something that past, more-religious people would have vilified and stopped. And the so-called social justice being sought by rioters doesn’t focus on equality of opportunity and equality of treatment — hallmarks of Christian religion — it calls for giving advantages to one race over another. It also vilifies and attacks people who are innocent of racist behavior because they belong to a certain group and tries to intimidate people into acquiescing to demands through violence. This behavior can only lead to more hate, violence, and hurt. 

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