Putin, Ukraine, and the New World Order
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Putin, Ukraine, and the New World Order

William F. Jasper
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Is Vladimir Putin, who was once the darling of the elite political and chattering classes, now a permanent global pariah? On the surface, it certainly appears so. But, as we all know, surface appearances can be deceiving. 

The New York Times and other media organizations have joined Joe Biden in declaring Putin to be a “war criminal” who deserves to be tried before the International Criminal Court on account of his brutal invasion of Ukraine. Yes, that’s the same New York Times that infamously covered up Joseph Stalin’s Holodomor genocide of millions of Ukrainians in the 1930s — and steadfastly has refused to admit its guilt in this crime against humanity. And it is the same Times that favorably introduced then-Prime Minister Vladimir Putin to the world in 1999 by publishing an op-ed by Putin (or, rather, by his propagandists) that sympathetically presented Russia as heroically fighting (like the United States) a war against terrorism. The Times published another propaganda op-ed by Putin in 2013, and for years carried Russia Beyond the Headlines, an official propaganda broadsheet by Putin’s state-owned media, as a regular insert in the Times print edition. And, yes, it is the same Joe Biden who as U.S. senator and U.S. vice president praised Vladimir Putin and traveled to Moscow to smooth the way for Wall Street investors and U.S. Big Tech companies to help build Skolkovo, Putin’s project to create Russia’s equivalent of Silicon Valley. 

Putin, who was for years heralded as a great “reformer,” a fighter of corruption, our “ally” against terrorism, a defender of Christianity, and our “partner” in building a New World Order, has now become the new global public enemy. In fact, thanks to the media saturation with heart-rending images of Ukrainian war victims, there is a growing bipartisan chorus of war hawks beating the drums for American soldiers, sailors, marines, and airmen to follow the already-sizable stream of American weaponry to the Ukraine-Russian battlefields. But, is it possible that all the war mobilization and talk of regime change are Deep State theatrics — albeit exploiting real, tragic victims — and that there is a much bigger game afoot here? Is it possible that Putin as arch-criminal is helping promote the globalists’ vision of a New World Order even more effectively than when he was an alleged reformer, partner, and ally? Could it be that the ongoing crimes in Ukraine are providing diversionary cover for even larger global crimes that are being sprung on all of humanity? 

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