Practicing Medicine Under Socialism & Freedom

A former Canadian doctor recounts his experiences providing medical care in Canada, and he explains what needs to be done to fix America’s ailing medical system. ...
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society
America medical system Socialism Freedom Canada
Health Reform: End of the American Revolution?

Health Reform: End of the American Revolution? by Dr. Lee Kurisko, St. Paul, Minn.: Alethos Press LLC, 2009, 238 pages, hardcover, $29.95.

As patriotic Americans continue to rise up against the coming yoke of ObamaCare, one of the most obvious threats is easily overlooked. That threat comes from the establishment wing of the GOP in the form of possible compromise, alteration, or replacement.

We’ve already had ranking Republicans, such as New Hampshire Senator Judd Gregg (now retired), talk about “restructuring” instead of repeal. The GOP “Pledge to America” starts beautifully with a promise to “honor the Constitution as constructed by its framers” and “particularly the Tenth Amendment,” but sings a different tune when it comes to ObamaCare. It promises not just to repeal the beast but to “replace the government takeover of health care” with such “common sense solutions” as dramatic federal intervention into the insurance market. Let’s also not forget that some of these same self-proclaimed champions of conservatism were just a few years ago voting to support unconstitutional schemes like Bush’s Medicare Prescription Drug Modernization Act and the State Children’s Health Insurance Program.

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