Pope Francis’ Revolution: The Synod on Synodality
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Synodal revolution: In addition to alarming positions on homosexuality, marriage, feminism, divorce, migration, and enviro-Marxism, Pope Francis’ Synodal Way points toward a new structure of governance.

Pope Francis’ Revolution: The Synod on Synodality

Pope Francis’ four-year-long synod is sending shockwaves throughout the Catholic world as its radical agenda on moral issues and Church governance becomes known. ...
William F. Jasper
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Polygamy? Blessing homosexual unions? “Radical inclusion” of LGBT people? Holy Communion for those living in adulterous relationships? Ordination of women? Is the Roman Catholic Church really about to flip on these and related issues? Are Pope Francis and his “Synod on Synodality” bent (many faithful Catholics say “hell-bent”) on thoroughly overturning two millennia of the Catholic Church’s teaching on moral doctrine? Indeed, virtually everything associated with the synod — the delegates appointed to it, the topics under discussion, and the revolutionary context of Francis’ pontificate — points to an end goal of bringing about a subversive and seismic upheaval in fundamental Catholic beliefs. 

While the hot-button moral issues have taken center stage, there are other far-reaching concerns as well. Pope Francis, the “Climate Change Pope,” has made sure that this pet obsession of his is also prominently injected into the synodal proceedings (along with the directly related United Nations 2030 Agenda on Sustainability), which are conspicuously timed to gin up support for the UN’s COP28 Climate Summit to be held in Dubai in November and December. Still another contentious issue is the matter of migration, particularly the mass migration of Muslims into Europe and North America. Pope Francis has staked out a very extreme position on this topic, repeatedly calling for what amounts to the complete abandonment of borders, national sovereignty, and orderly immigration.

However, what may prove to be far more problematic and destructive in the long run than the adoption of heretical or heterodox positions on any of these controversial issues is the novel “synodal process” that is being established. The synod documents are replete with references to “the synodal church,” reinforcing the public statements of many of its radical participants that the Catholic Church will tailor doctrine according to parish polling and diocesan plebiscite rather than biblical direction and apostolic tradition. The obvious end product would be a political-ideological “Church of Democracy,” with ever-changing doctrine to agree with the hostile demands of the anti-Christian world powers.

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