History - Past and Perspective
Planned Parenthood, Past and Present
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Planned Parenthood, Past and Present

Planned Parenthood is in the news for illegally selling baby parts, which has shocked the conscience of many Americans. But the present is merely an extension of the past. ...
Lisa Shaw
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

On the morning of April 6, 1977, a baby girl, like many others, took her first breath. Unlike many of those others, however, this little one’s entrance was not one filled with loving, eager smiles and warm, welcoming arms, but a cold, impersonal one with shock and horror at her arrival. At two pounds, this tiny, helpless being was hurriedly transported to a nearby hospital, given very little hope of survival, and placed in an incubator where she would remain for three months.

In what dismal place and bizarre set of circumstances would someone welcome something so natural as new life with surprise and bewilderment, instead of expectancy? This specific situation takes us to a Planned Parenthood Clinic in Los Angeles, California, where the all-too-common expectation was death, instead of life.

Gianna Jessen’s biological mother was 17 years old and seven and a half months pregnant when she was counseled by the clinic to abort Gianna through saline instillation. This method of abortion requires a saline solution to be injected through the mother’s abdomen and into the amniotic sac, where the baby swallows it. Over the next 12 to 48 hours, the baby suffers immense pain as the result of being poisoned and burned. The ultimate goal of the procedure is the death of the unborn child. The cervix is dilated before the injection, allowing the solution to cause uterine contractions, eventually leading to delivery of the baby, otherwise known as “expulsion of the fetus.”

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