The Review
Pipelines, Power, Politics

Pipelines, Power, Politics

Game Changer: Our 50-Year Mission to Secure America’s Energy Independence, by Harold Hamm, Nashville: Forefront Books, 2023, 336 pages, hardcover. ...
William P. Hoar
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Getting the facts is only half of the job; the other half — usually the more important part — is using those facts intelligently. It’s accurate to note, for example, that gasoline prices have been rising; an intelligent response to stop that increase would be for the United States to produce more domestic oil and natural gas. However, standing squarely against the smart way is the federal government. 

In August, Harold Hamm, a geologist and energy producer with more than a half-century of experience in the field, observed in The Wall Street Journal that President Joe Biden has been taking the opposite strategy. “Instead of increasing production, he wants to mandate that Americans use less — by banning or restricting the use of gas stoves, gas heat, air conditioning and even cars with combustion engines. That is a recipe for lower living standards, higher prices and a waning of America’s geopolitical leadership.” 

To his credit, and to the nation’s potential benefit, Hamm has authored an entire new book on this theme, Game Changer: Our 50-Year Mission to Secure America’s Energy Independence. Beyond promoting needed production, it also demonstrates how related “conventional wisdom” has been imprudent — or worse. 

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